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Inputs (Kubernate Resources)

Kubernate resources are similar to CRDs but are not stored in the Kubernetes API. Instead they are parsed at build time and can be used to emit real Kubernetes resources.

For example, someone could declare a WebService resource that can then be used to create a Deployment, Service, and Ingress resource for every WebService. This is a very powerful way to provide configuration to your Kubernate script. Kubernate Resources (called just resources in this document) have a similar structure to the Kubernetes Resources:

  • they contain type identification via the apiVersion and kind fields
  • they contain a metadata section that has by default a name, a namespace and annotations, but can be extended for each resource independently.
  • they contain a spec section that contains the actual configuration for the resource.

In the following example a HelloWorld resource is defined:

import {Resource} from "kubernate";

 * This is the spec of our resource.
interface HelloWorldServiceSpec {
    who: string;

 * This is how you can declare a resource
export interface HelloWorldService extends Resource<"demo/v1", "HelloWorld", HelloWorldServiceSpec> {}

As you can see, both the spec and the resource are just defined as interfaces. The Resource generic receives the following type parameters:

  • apiVersion: the API version of the resource.
  • kind: the kind of the resource.
  • spec: the spec of the resource.
  • metadata: the metadata of the resource. if this is not provided, the default implementation is used.

All the resources in a project must be bundled into a single union type that can be used by the Kubernate CLI to identify the resources that are available for generation.

An example of this type could be:

import {HelloWorldService} from "./hello-world-service";

 * This is a union type (A | B) of all the resources that you want to use.
export type Resources = HelloWorldService;

The configuration for the resources generation is explained in detail in this guide on the configuration. The command used for generation is kubernate generate (more info here). This command must be run every time you change the resources definition.

The resources can be specified as YAML files inside your project. For example, a definition of our HelloWorld resource might look like so:

# you have intellisense here. give it a try :)
apiVersion: demo/v1
kind: HelloWorld
    name: hello-test1
    who: world1
apiVersion: demo/v1
kind: HelloWorld
    name: hello-test2
    who: world2

To query the resources from your Kubernate script, you can use the generated resources function. This function accepts two parameters: the type of the resources you want to query and an expression that will be used to filter the resources (the format is namespace/name; you can use Globs; the default is ** and matches all namespaces and names). Here is an example of using this method:

import kube from "kubernate";

// import the generated resources function
import resources from "./generated";

// get all resources of demo/v1/HelloWorld
const helloWorldServices = resources("demo/v1/HelloWorld", "*/*");

for (let helloWorldService of helloWorldServices) {
    // carete a new namespace for each resource
        name: `hello-world-${}`,

    // do more here....

To setup intellisense for the your resource, you must have installed the YAML extension for VS Code (only VS Code is officially supported at this time) and configure it properly to point to the schemas of your project. If you initialize your project with kubernate init, the extension will be recommended and configured for you.

An example .vscode/settings.json might look like this (adapt to your own configuration):

    "yaml.schemas": {
        "node_modules/kubernate/schemas/config.json": ".kubernaterc.yaml",
        "schemas/resources.json": "input/**.yaml"